Tuesday 29 May 2012

Avril Lavinge still relevent in her own mind

Avril Lavigne

  There were some people who were cynical when Avril Lavigne first burst onto the scene as a 17-year old pop princess. With a pseudo-punk attitude and catchy tunes, there were many people who questioned her authenticity. What there was no denying however, was her appeal to young girls around the world. Whether her image was in fact a manufactured persona or, at least in part, a product of Lavigne herself, the appeal was genuine and undeniably huge, making her for a time one of the biggest music stars in the world.

  For a girl from a small Canadian town, the achievement of selling nearly 30 million records is nothing to sneeze at. Though other big acts, such as Rush and Neil Young, were also from small Canadian towns their success has come over decades of touring and cult acclaim. Even big stars like Shania Twain and Celine Dion spent their early years struggling to find a voice but for Lavigne the success was instantaneous and massive. By the time her third album was tearing up the record charts it appeared, briefly, that her success might have been more than a flash in the pan but since then not much has happened, at least on the music front. Now with promises of a new album and a tabloid romance with Brody Jenner, Lavigne has apparently continued to believe that she is still relevant, at least to herself.

  "Avril is currently on vacation and will be touring this summer, at least briefly. She's also been working hard on her new album which we expect will be released sometime this year. She's also continuing with her clothing line and her perfume. She's also remaining active in all her charitable causes," said a spokesperson for the singer. "Avril wants her fans to know that she hasn't forgotten about them and very shortly their patience will be well rewarded. She just knows that the long wait for her new album will be more than worth it."

  Official estimates put the number of Avril Lavigne fans at about 14, though estimates by her label put the number slightly higher.

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